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时间:2017年2月16日星期四17:30 (17:30 酒会,18:30 晚宴)

地点:Mandarin Restaurant, 290 West Hunt Club Rd, Ottawa (Nepean), ON K2E 6T7



个人票价:专业人士 $150,学生 $75


银级 $1,350 (10人)

金级 $2,500 (20人)

白金级 $3,000 (30人)



Hong Kong-Canada Business Association (Ottawa)

invites you to our 2017 Chinese New Year celebration.

This will be an evening filled with savoury Chinese cuisines,

traditional Chinese entertainment, raffles, door prizes.

Enjoy this wonderful networking opportunity

with HKCBA Directors, Members and Supporters.

See why HKCBA in Ottawa is your Super Connector to Hong Kong and throughout Asia.

Join us and you could be the lucky grand prize winner of a free trip to Hong Kong!

Individual Ticket

Professional   $150

Student $75


Silver Patron (10 tickets):        $1,350

Gold Patron (20 tickets):         $2,500

Platinum Patron (30 tickets):   $3,000

(All tickets include a 2017 HKCBA Ottawa membership and other benefits)