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【重磅】安省控制房地产市场措施出台, 征收15%非居民房产税

【CFC新闻】据加拿大广播公司报道,本周四安省自由党政府宣布了旨在给安省疯涨的房地产市场和房屋租赁市场降温的消息, 目的是使房价更加公平,让民众能够买得起房。


省长Kathleen Wynne表示,希望这16项措施能够遏制那些比工资涨的还快的房价。当年轻人支付不起公寓的租金或者觉得自己永远也拥有不了一套自己的房子时,我们知道问题的严重性。



“非居民投机税”(Non-Resident Speculation Tax,NRST)。如果买房者不是加拿大公民,不是永久居民,也没有住在安省,购房之后必须交15%的税。

非居民投机税适用于在大金马蹄地区(Greater Golden Horseshoe)。

大金马蹄地区:西起滑铁卢(Waterloo),东至彼得堡(Peterborough),北起Barrie,南至美加边境。具体包括:大多地区、汉密尔顿地区,Peterborough,Barrie,滑铁卢,和尼亚加拉地区(Niagara Peninsula)。




  1. 在买房后四年内身份转成公民或永久居民;
  2. 在安省政府认可的学院或大学成为全日制学生两年或以上的外国留学生;
  3. 购房后在安省合法全职工作持续至少一年;



  1. 购房时已接到安省移民提名计划的确认,且所购房必须用于自住;
  2. 购房时已获难民身份;
  3. 与一位是加拿大公民或永久居民的配偶联名买房;








They include: 

  •  A 15 per cent tax on home purchases by non-resident foreigners in Toronto and the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Wynne said the tax would not apply to new immigrants who plan to live here, but are instead aimed at speculators who will “never set foot in Ontario.” The proposed tax would apply to transfers of land that contain at least one and not more than six single-family residences, including semi-detached homes, townhomes and condos. It would not apply to transfers of other types of land including multi-residential rental apartment buildings, agricultural land or commercial/industrial land. A rebate would be available for those who later become citizens or permanent residents, as a well as foreign nationals working in Ontario and international students.
  • A move to expand rent control to all private rental units in Ontario, including those built after 1991, which are currently excluded. CBC Toronto first broke the news when Housing Minister Chris Ballard said the government would move to remove the 1991 rule after residents complained of massive rent spikes. The issue that was highlighted in a CBC Toronto series of stories called “No Fixed Address.” The rent controls must come through approved legislation, but will take effect today, April 20. Annual rent increase for an existing tenant can be no higher than the rate of inflation. Rent increases will be capped at 2.5 per cent, even if the rate of inflation is higher. 
  • A rebate of development cost charges to encourage building of more rental housing.
  • A standardized lease document for all tenants.
  • A plan to look at practices that may be contributing to tax avoidance and excessive speculation in the housing market, such as “paper flipping” — a practice that includes entering into a contractual agreement to buy a residential unit and assigning it to another person prior to closing.  
  • New powers for Toronto and other municipalities to introduce a tax on vacant homes to encourage owners to sell or rent unoccupied units.
