

Hello, everyone.

In the fight against COVID-19, our focus will always be here at home. But this is a global challenge. To keep Canadians safe and restart our economy, we need to defeat this virus not just within our borders, but wherever it will be found.

That’s how we’ll beat COVID-19, for good. So just like we’re coordinating our efforts across the country, we’re collaborating with allies around the globe, too. Earlier this morning, I joined leaders from other countries and from civil society and industry to work together on accelerating the global development of COVID-19 vaccines, treatments and testing. We all share a common goal: ending this pandemic.

And Canada is stepping up to do its part. Canada’s contribution of over $850 million for the global fight against COVID-19, includes investments in Canadian and international research. At home, we’re providing funding for everything from the University of Saskatchewan’s Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization for their work on the vaccine development to Vancouver based AbCellera for treatments. Right across the country we’re making sure that Canadians can keep leading.

Our $850 million commitment also includes support for vaccine development through the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and the W.H.O.’s solidarity trial that helps hospitals share information on treatments. The more we cooperate, the more likely that we find a cure and find it quickly and that’s something we all want to see.

COVID-19 is an unprecedented challenge, but it’s not the first time that Canadians have been called to do their part. Over the past generations, Canadians have time and time again stepped up in defence of our shared future. This week marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Netherlands and a Victory in Europe Day. From the fall of 1944 to the spring of ’45, thousands of Canadians pushed back the occupying forces road by road, town by town. They fought and many died to defend the values that we hold dear: peace and democracy, the rule of law and human rights. And today, 75 years later, we remember their courage and their sacrifice.

Earlier this morning, I spoke with Mark Rutte, the prime minister of the Netherlands. We talked about the close, lasting bonds of friendship that exists between our two countries. We talked about how we collaborated together in years past, standing for our values, fighting side by side and how, we’re doing that again today in this global crisis, in friendship and in solidarity.

So today, I ask all Canadians to join me and our friends and allies in the Netherlands at 2:00 p.m. eastern time to observe two minutes of silence in honour of our veterans. As we pause, let’s reflect on how each of us can live up to their example. Maybe you’ll do your part by staying home to protect our health care workers. Maybe you’ll bring groceries to an elderly neighbour or make a donation to a food bank, or simply make the effort of sending a postcard to a veteran to thank them for their service. With your actions you’re contributing to your community and demonstrating that Canadians time and time again will continue to step up.

I know the weather’s getting nicer but we still need to be extremely careful and not just for our seniors, but for everyone around us. So don’t go out unless you absolutely have to. If you do keep two metres apart from each other.

Thank you.

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